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Through Baptism, we have new life in Jesus Christ. Catholic Baptism is one of the three Sacraments of Initiation.

Sacrament of Baptism

Baptisms are celebrated in Kilmacow Parish Church by appointment on every fourth Sunday of the month at 12 noon.  If a Funeral is taking place on the Sunday, the Baptism will moved to 1 p.m. and you will be advised a.s.a.p.  If the same date is requested by more than one family then a multiple ceremony is celebrated. Due to staff considerations these times are non-negotiable. Two weeks notice is required in all instances. Baptisms are not celebrated on Palm Sunday, Easter Sunday or if Christmas Day falls on a Sunday. If you do not live in Kilmacow Parish but wish to have your child baptised in Kilmacow, please get a letter of permission from your local Parish Priest to have the baptism in Kilmacow. A parent of the child to be baptised should make direct contact with the Parish Office to arrange the baptism. Each child is required to have two sponsors, at least one of whom must be Catholic and a witness to our faith.
A baptismal candle is required for each child and should not have been used before. All symbols on the candle should be Christian.
To book a baptismal ceremony, please complete the form attached to the link below and return it by email to or by post to the following address:
Kilmacow Parish Office,

Co. Kilkenny.

Rite of Baptism

Baptism is the first of our seven sacraments and is required before any other sacrament can be conferred. It is the first of the three sacraments that make up full initiation into the Catholic Church, the others are Eucharist and Confirmation. The usual minister is a Bishop, a Priest or a Deacon, however in an emergency anyone, even a non Christian may administer the sacrament as long as they desire that the person/child being baptised should become a Christian, and by the act of pouring water on the head of the child/person while saying 'I baptise you in the name of The Father and of The Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen'.

The Christening

At the beginning of the Ceremony the parents are asked to call out their child's name and request "baptism" for it. Usually the first name given to the child is a recognisable Christian name, if not there should be a Christian name among the names of the child. The sign of the Cross is made on the child's forehead as a sign that it is taking on the Christian way of life. The Sponsors are asked to state that they will give witness to the faith andsupport the child to grow strong in the knowledge, love and service of God. The Sponsors have no legal role, they have the role to give Christian witness. Scripture readings are read to remind us of the importance of baptism as a new way of life and entry into the life of God while here on earth. The 1st Anointing with the 'Oil of Cathecumens' takes place on the breast as a sign of the new life of baptism and God claiming a new child for His very own. Prayers of intercession are offered and the water for Baptism is blessed. The congregation are invited to renew their own baptismal promises and recommit themselves to the promises of baptism.

The Baptism

The giving of the sacrament takes place at the baptismal font, the words of baptism are spoken and the water is poured on the head of the child, after which the child is baptised fully into our Catholic faith.

The Lighted Candle

The Baptismal Candle is then lighted from the Paschal Candle.The Paschal Candle has been burning all during the ceremony as a symbol of the Light of Christ. The Christian way, its Gospel, its values, its teachings are all lights that show us the safe path to take to salvation and show us the temptations we must avoid. By lighting the Baptismal Candle from the Paschal Candle we show we are taking this guiding light of Christ to be a guiding light for the newly baptised.

The Anointing with Chrism

Chrism is used to anoint on the head of the newly baptised. Chrism is used in Baptism, Confirmation and Ordination to Priesthood. In Old Testament times and now in our time, those called to the task of witnessing to God are anointed sacramentally.

The Conclusion

The ceremony concludes with the clothing with the white christening garment, a sign of new life and purity. This is followed by the explanation of how the sacraments of initiation are connected and the 'Our Father'. There then follows three prayers of blessing for those involved in the faith development of the child, its Mother, its Father and the wider community.

Is There an Age Stipulated by the Church for Baptism?

No there is not, but parents are encouraged not to delay presenting their child for baptism, without good reason.

What is Baptism by Desire?

Baptism by Desire is where a child is considered having the fruits of the sacrament through the desire by its near and wider family to have it baptised but through no fault of theirs or delay, the child does not survive to its baptismal day.

Is There a Fee for Baptism?

Usually there is no stipulated charge. However the fabric of the Church has to be cared for as has its electricity, heating and insurance charges. The Priests time has a value as has the Sacristan who prepares for and settles up afterwards. Therefore a voluntary offering taking these elements into account, will be agreed beforehand, and should be made on the day of the Baptism. 


Times for Baptisms - Baptisms are celebrated by appointment every fourth Sunday
in the month at 12 noon
Parish Priest:

Very Rev. Martin Tobin Administrator

Mobile: 086-2401278


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