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Priesthood & Vocations

The priesthood is a calling.


Ordination has three degrees:


  1. Diaconate (Deacon)

  2. Priesthood (Priest)

  3. Episcopacy (Bishop)


A Bishop has the fullness of priesthood and is ordained a successor of the Apostles

and has the responsibilities of teaching, sanctifying and governing.  Priests and

deacons assist the Bishop in these fundamental tasks and share in the fullness of their

Bishop’s priesthood and cannot act apart from him.  Priest and Deacons proclaim

God’s Word.  Priests may administer all Sacraments with the exception of ordination.

Deacons may celebrate the Sacraments of Baptism and Marriage only. 

There are two forms of deacons:

  1. Permanent, where after a course of approved study, the man is ordained to work permanently as a Deacon without the intention of ordination to priesthood.  This form of diaconate is open to married men.

  2. Transitory, where a man is ordained a Deacon on the way to ordination to priesthood.  These Deacons are not allowed marry.


All who prepare for ordination, must complete a lengthy study process which includes

theology, scripture, history, church law, liturgy and spirituality.

Candidates are called to ordination, they do not have a right to be ordained, indeed all

Sacraments are gifts from God.


The Catholic Church requires that Bishops and Priests be celibate.


Priesthood is exercised in a variety of ways.  Diocesan priesthood is the form most

Irish people are familiar with where a Priest is assigned to and lives in a parish area

and celebrates the Sacraments with his people and is involved in the spiritual and

community life of the area.


      Religious Order priesthood such as Dominicans, Carmelites and Franciscan’s. Priests in these orders usually live in the community, wear a habit, follow a rule established upon the life of their founder.  They could be involved in retreat and mission work, hospital chaplaincy, education, outreach programmes for the poor, marginalised or those with addiction.  Communal prayer and a codes of communal life is also followed.


Religious Society priesthood, such as the Jesuits, Kiltegan and Pallotine Fathers; these

Priests may or may not live in the community.  There could be an international aspect

to their ministry with elements of community living.


Anyone interested in becoming a Priest should make contact with his local Parish

Priest who could direct him to the appropriate person in charge of formation.

Parish Priest:

Very Rev. Martin Tobin Administrator

Mobile: 086-2401278


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